FTC Solar’s automated design platform, SunDAT, is a program for solar systems sizing. SunDAT provides the means to take a solar project from concept to permitting
SunDAT is a proprietary software extension for the SketchUp 3D modeling program that facilitates automated design and optimization of photovoltaic systems.
It allows users to model residential, commercial or utility-scale sites, in rooftop, ground or canopy settings with no limitations on system size. The software optimizes system layout, equipment hierarchy and energy output based on local site constraints, user preference and industry best-practices. SunDAT automates a substantial portion of the design process including:

Shadow Simulation
Module Layout
Electrical Design
Topographic Analysis
Structural Layout
Energy Modeling (via NREL SAM)
…and more

SunDAT can export designs to AutoCAD for continued design and construction set creation. The software also exports additional system information in Excel format including the bill of materials, wire schedules and energy analysis reports.

Indicative price (2018) : 280 USD/month for the PRO version.

Go to SunDAT website.



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