This section provide a list of solar radiation and meteorological databases free or to purchase.
Solargis gives high accuracy global satellite-based database of historical, recent and forecast solar radiation, temperature and wind data.
Solargis data is supported by all major PV simulation softwares on the market.
World Radiation Data Centre.
Solar radiation and radiation balance data (the world network). The WRDC is a laboratory of Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring formerly USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology, and is located in St.Petersburg. It provides worldwide solar radiation database.
World Radiation Data Centre
S@tel-light : from satelite databases 1996-2000, Satel-light generate solar radiation maps in Europe.
The NCEP/NCAR is a
Reanalysis Project Atmospheric analyses using historical data and analyses of the current atmospheric state. Coverage: the entire world, with a grid cell of approx. 2 degrees in size. Available also through SoDa portal.
Worldwide solar radiation database.
Restscreen is a free software that includes worlwide solar radiation database.
Canada Natural Resources Canada :
Photovoltaic (PV) potential and insolation web-based maps from interpolated measurements
Canada Natural ressources
Data and assessment tools for energy market development in developing countries (UNEP/GEF)
Solar Energy Resource Assessment - PVDAQ
SoDa HelioClim3 is a web service (Ecole des Mines de Paris) for profesionnals of solar energy. Worldwide solar radiation database.
SoDa HelioClim3
Global solar Atlas provides a summary of solar power potential and solar resources globally. It is provided by the World Bank Group ...
Worldclimate (USA) gives Worldwide rainfall and temperature database (85000 sites).
PVGIS provides a large and accurate solar radiation free database for europe, Africa Mediterranean Basin and South-West Asia.